Saturday, 25 April 2020

Responsible Parents or Loving Parents

Parents are the first teachers for every child. They lay the foundation in moulding the character of a child. From the time a child is conceived in a mother's womb, it is influenced by their parent's behavior.

In today's world, we can see different kinds of parents in our society. Some parents are more concerned about their responsibilities, failing to show love for their kids. Some parents show too much love that they fail to rebuke their child's mistakes and condone them.

Some parents are more concerned about the pressures of the society and pass it on their kids and destroy the dreams and lives of their kids. Some parents work so hard to provide materialistic assets as inheritance to their children not realizing that their lifestyle itself is much more valuable legacy for their kids.

As the great evangelist Billy Graham rightly said " The great legacy one can pass on to one's children and grand children is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith".

Very few parents realize the importance of their role in moulding the character of their child and thrive to create a difference in their child's lives playing the noblest part in their lives.

As a parent, we try to teach our kids what to do and what not to do but fail to teach them to discern good from evil and how to take critical decisions in life.

Being a parent is the most responsible job in raising a loving and responsible generation.

Proverbs 127 : 3 says "Children are gift from God". But do we realize the preciousness of our gift from God and show them unfailing love for them the way God has shown on us.

There will be responsibility in love but there may not be love in responsibility.

As a father, our God has shown abundant and unfailing love, patience and accepted us the way we are, let us examine what kind of parents are we to our kids and thrive to reflect God's love for us on our kids and be patient in building the lives of our kids

Is church enriching or entertaining ?

We are living in times where number of churches are increasing but number of disciples are reducing. Jesus did not want us to be mere christians, he yearned us to be disciples. Mathew 28 : 19 says "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,..." Though the number of members in churches are increasing, number of disciples are not growing. As one of the famous preachers R Stanley told that
"A sick church cannot save the dying world".

A good hospital is one, which transform patients to healthy people.
A good educational institution is one which transforms novice people to learned people
A good church is the one which transforms novice christians to ardent believers.

A good church is obliged to help a novice christian to grow in an intimate relationship with God, who can discern the voice of God, who can be a light and salt of this world and lead others to christ not just by mere words but through their lives. But unfortunately, today most of the believers are still like babies as Apostle Paul says in Hebrews 5 : 12 : "You have been believers so long now you ought to be teaching others........... you are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food".

As an ardent disciple of Christ, we are obliged to deny ourselves and have compassion for the needy people, who are yearning for their physical needs, financial needs, emotional needs and above all spiritual needs as Jesus says in Mathew 16 : 24 "Whoever wants to be my disciples must deny themselves and take up the cross and follow me daily."

We are obliged to be like the good samaritan, who demonstrated his love for his neighbor in action instead of the priest who might have merely prayed without showing it in action as James 2 : 17 says "Faith without works is dead".

As we are living in the end days, it should be our utmost priority  to introspect our personal relationship with God as well as relationship with fellow believers.

Let us all thrive to be disciples,  rather than mere christians. May God rekindle the fire of passion to burn brightly for our savior and draw the dying world to the love of Christ through our lives instead of being mere christians.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Folly of our lives

We are living in a world where people are willing to spend hours on social networks and movies but could not spend even an hour with the word of God.

We have a lot of words to quarrel and for self- righteousness but no words to speak to God

We are willing to spend that extra hour for extra dollars but not willing to stretch our quiet time with God

We are so much worried and concerned about our material belongings and our relationship with the wicked people around us but least concerned about our relationship with God

We are so much concerned about our financial growth, physical growth, and mental growth but least concerned about our spiritual growth

We are living in a world which can keep us busy from thinking about our sins and live in emptiness

It is time for every one of us to introspect our lives and set right our lives before God. Our time is fleeting, so now is the time to come back to God, the one who can only give the divine fulfillment for our lives