Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Satan's Strategy of subtle influence

Time to think…….. Satan’s strategy of subtle influence……. I am told 40% of what you see and 20% of what you hear goes into your mind, which explains small kids 2-3 yrs old singing songs which they hear often, IPL is something we all love to watch, but in between the cricket you watch you have these girls dancing with skimpy clothes showing their….. (you know what i mean), and comperes who are wearing clothes which they stitched when they were in school (PUN intended), surprisingly the guys are fully covered, which tells you that the girl (not generalizing )for the wonderful creation that she is of GOD, has allowed herself to be used as a commodity a showpiece item used by the media (NOT JUST THE IPL), and then the new fast track add that comes promoting Lesbianism and Live in relationship, where a girl drags the boy into the inflatable house and the house shakes, suggesting ……??????, now most of our older generation doesn’t pick this up. but these adds and condom adds come during a cricket match, i love to watch cricket with my sons sometimes, there is so much of these subtle suggestions and images and obscenity which comes into the mainline media, and idiots arguing on television about INDIA being democratic and people shud choose what they want to see, in the Book of Judges there is a verse that says ” IN THOSE DAYS THERE WAS NO KING AND EVERY MAN DID WHAT WAS RIGHT IN HIS EYES ” man with his sinful nature can’t make righteous choices,(HE NEEDS JESUS) he needs a reference point he needs laws, he needs restriction, when a society crosses that line, because a SMALL part of the educated Urban society who have horrible moral values are debating and deciding what the society should do, this is a trap of the devil, he makes you loose the “SHOCK” value eventually over moral decline where you start getting used to things, and now you have these guys who are married, getting drunk, watching porn on their mobile phones, getting desperate wanting a woman and a small girl becomes a victim of their animal behavior, and immediately candles are held cops are accused, media invites panelists who mostly are dumb and the ones who speak objectively are shunned because they don’t sensationalize the issue but are trying to look at the realistic picture, Priyanka chopra the other day says we will dance and show our assets and a pelvic gyrations, if you don’t want your children to be influenced then don’t allow them to watch, this was in response to a father and mother who questioned her about these dance competitions where kids dance to all filthy lyrics and sensuous songs and as parents they found it difficult to see what was happening as their kids want to see other kids dancing. REMEMBER ONE THING THE DEVIL NEVER THRUSTS SIN INTO OUR LIVES HE STILL USES THE OLD TRICK WITH WHICH HE BROUGHT DOWN EVE, HE BRINGS SOMETHING THAT IS ATTRACTIVE ( GOOD TO THE EYES ) AND SUGGESTS ( AS HOW OUR MEDIA AND SOCIETY HAVE BECOME ESPECIALLY IN THE PAST COUPLE OF YEARS) and man as fragile as he is to temptation allows all these images 40% and audio 20% to destroy him from within, recently i saw a Big Poster a girl sitting on the pelvic region of a man lying down and this was not some adult malayalam or hindi movie poster, this was a poster of a mainline film, now thousands of children pass by these posters…….i know how a curious teenage mind works,( i started smoking at the age of 9, got saved at the age of 12) i am told that kids now loose their innocence by the time they are 12, in this regard, going the WESTERN direction is not healthy, we as Parents if we continue to ignore these things will sacrifice our children to the subtle influences the devil is bringing in all around us, THINKING OF FILING A CASE AGAINST THESE ADS AND OTHER DEVILS SCHEMES WHICH AFFECT THE MINDS OF NOT JUST OUR YOUNG ONES BUT ADULTS AS WELL…..WE CAN’T DO MUCH ABOUT FILMS BUT CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE THINGS INVADING OUR LIVES IN OUR SPACE…..Author: Freddy Joseph

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