Eli started with a faithful relationship with Lord for many years. But when we look at his last days, he was cursed and died due to the failure of being a responsible father. Iscariot Judah started well and followed Jesus though many deserted Him, but failed in the end. Saul was chosen by God and started with a humble beginning, but failed to be a successful king, struggled with self-esteem and lost track of his vision and finally committed suicide.
In our relationship with Jesus, we might have started well when we got saved. We might have started our spiritual journey with lot of burden for perishing souls and passion to live for God but over the course of time, many of us loose track of our goal and waylaid by worldly attractions and shallow commitment with Jesus. Do we have a strong commitment to stand for Jesus to go to any extreme to pay the price whatever it takes or mere believers with shallow commitment. Jesus clearly says in Revelation 3 : 16 "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." C T Studd rightly said that "Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last." Acts 7 : 56 shows the beautiful picture of the son of man standing at the right hand of God to receive Stephen, when he was being stoned to death. How marvelous and blessed it will be to hear that one word "Well Done My Servant" from our master when we are reaching the end our race. Let us examine and recommit our lives with a strong commitment to live for Jesus till the end.
Praise the Lord Brother, Thank you for the Wonderful thoughts God Bless you.