Sunday, 12 July 2020

The Blessing of Giving

In a world of consumeristic mindset, we tend to give or invest only when we get benefits in return. It was considered giving as loss and receiving as gain in our society. We always ask God to fill our cups with overflowing but we hesitate to empty our cups for the sake of God. But Jesus has emphasized more on giving than receiving as Apostle Paul claims in Acts 20 : 35 that Jesus says 
"It is more blessed to give than to receive". 
Though giving is often associated with money, Jesus has talked about giving not only in terms of money but our time, energy, resources and our lives. He did not separate our lives from giving. After the creation of mankind, the first offering to God was given by Abel and Cain. Genesis 4:3-4 says 
"Cain brought some of the fruit of the soil...... while Abel brought the best portions of the firstborn of his flock....". 
It clearly shows that Abel had given himself to the Lord (more than his offering) by giving Him utmost priority of his life by offering the best portions of his flock. Though Cain is also interested in offering to Lord, he did not have a heart to give first and foremost place to God and thereby offered only some of the fruit of the soil. God is not interested to settle only in some areas of your lives, He is looking for your utmost attention and priority by complete surrender as Abel did as it says in Genesis 4:4-5 
"God looked with favor on Abel....... but no regard for Cain" 
Even when Jesus saw a poor widow offering all she had, it drew the attention of Jesus as He says in Mark 12 : 44
"Everyone gave some out of their wealth but the poor widow gave all she had to live on in spite of her poverty." 
God looks at the intention of your giving more than your offering. The Almighty God does not need our giving to build his kingdom but He yearns to have our utmost love as He himself gave his one and only begotten son on the cross to redeem us from our sins. We often wonder how much are we supposed to give ? When people confessed their sins and asked John what are they supposed to do ? I often wonder why John says to give one shirt to the poor, if you have only two instead of three. It shows that we are supposed to look at the needs of others the same way we look at the needs of ourselves. Bible talks a lot about giving than any other subject as it is full of examples with people, who have offered sacrificially to the Lord and people, who are stingy in their offering.     

In our christendom, we can observe people, who falls in four categories of giving.

Ungiving - people who are not willing to give though God bless them abundantly
Limited Giving - people who are willing to give only some of what God has given them like Cain did
Liberal Giving  - people who are willing to give generously, but only after their needs are met 
Sacrificial Giving - people who are willing to offer sacrificially in spite of their own needs being unmet like the poor widow.

We are so sincere and committed to things where we can have benefits in return but we think a lot to invest in things where we don't get anything in return, though it is beneficial to others. But Jesus says in Luke 6 : 35 
"Love your enemies. Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting anything in return " 
Let us examine our lives, where are we in terms of our giving to the Lord. Are we willing to give to the works of the Lord, poor and needy sacrificially without expecting anything in return or we are stingy in our offerings in spite of all the blessings that God has blessed with ? Let us pray God to transform our hearts to the point of sacrificial giving and be a blessing to the people around us.

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